Geert Alexander BUIJZE
Since Oct 2020: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Clinique Générale d’Annecy, France.
Since Nov 2020: Assistant Professor, Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery. Département d’orthopédie,
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier, France.
Academic education:
– University of Montpellier, Faculty of Medicine, France
2018-2020 : Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery Fellowship
– University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Medicine, Netherlands
2012-2018 : Orthopaedic Surgery Residency
– Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA and
– University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Medicine, Netherlands
2008-2012 : PhD program
– University of Leiden, Faculty of Medicine, Netherlands
2001-2008 : MD program
Secondary education:
1998-2001 Ecole Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel, Lille, France
1995-1998 European School, Varese, Italy
2021: Good Clinical Practice
Orthorisq Risk Management Accreditation
2020: European Board of Hand Surgery (FEBHS) Diploma (Best examination)
2019: Inter University Diploma in Hand Surgery (France)
University Diploma in Microsurgery (France)
2018: Orthopaedic Surgeon
2012: Doctor in Science (PhD, Cum Laude)
2008: Medical Doctor (MD)
2001: International Baccalaureate (Excellent)
International Certificate in Biology
2000: Cambridge Certificate for Advanced English
2020: SECEC / ESSSE 14th Annual Research Grant (European Society of Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow)
EBHS Best Diploma Award (Best examination of the European Board of Hand Surgery)
2018: NVOT Trauma Fellowship Grant
2017: NOV Matthijsen Award (Best Netherlands Orthopaedic Publications 2015-2017)
European Wrist Arthroscopy Society (EWAS) Junior Grant
Annafonds / NOREF Innovative Research Grant
2016: Federation for European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) Travel Award
2014: NVOT Science Award (Best Paper of the Netherlands Orthopaedic Trauma Association)
2012: AMC PhD Thesis Award (Best Thesis)
2012: Scientific Award, Dutch Annual Trauma Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2010: Partners in Excellence Award for Leadership and Innovation, Partners Healthcare, Teaching Affiliate of Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
2008: NWO Toptalent (PhD Grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
English: excellent, spoken and written
French: excellent, spoken and written
Italian: excellent, spoken and written
Spanish: good, spoken and written
German: good, spoken and written
Dutch: native language
2018-2020 : Fellow Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery. Département d’orthopédie, Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier (Prof. M. Chammas)
Jan-Jun 2018: Fellow Hand, Wrist and Elbow Surgery, Upper Limb Unit, Amphia Breda, Netherlands
(Prof. D. Eygendaal)
Oct-Dec 2017: European Microsurgery Fellowship, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University, Rome,
Italy (Prof. F. Santanelli di Pompeo)
Jul-Sep 2017: Wrist Arthroscopy Fellowship, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Prince of Wales
Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Dr. P.C. Ho)
2013-2018 : Orthopedic Surgery Residency, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (Prof. C.N. van
Dijk and Prof. G.M.M.J. Kerkhoffs). Employed at the Academic Medical Center,
Amsterdam; Slotervaart Medical Center, Amsterdam; Tergooiziekenhuis Hilversum
and Amphia Hospital Breda, Netherlands
2012-2013 : General Surgery Resident, Red Cross Hospital and Burn Center, Beverwijk,
Netherlands. (Prof. R. Breederveld and Dr. H. Cense)
2010-2011 : PhD Clinical Research Fellowship, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and
Traumatology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Prof. C.N. van
2008-2010 : PhD Clinical Research Fellowship, Department of Orthopedic Surgery. Massachusetts
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston. (Prof. Jesse B, Jupiter and Dr.
David Ring)
2005-2008 : Head of the Bone and Joint Tissue Explantation Team at Netherlands Bone bank
Foundation (NBF) – Bio Implant Services (BIS) Foundation, Leiden (NL)
2003-2005 : Coordinator of Tissue Donations and member of all Tissue Explantation Teams at BIS
Foundation, Leiden, Netherlands2018-2020 : Fellow Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery. Département d’orthopédie, Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier (Prof. M. Chammas)
Jan-Jun 2018: Fellow Hand, Wrist and Elbow Surgery, Upper Limb Unit, Amphia Breda, Netherlands
(Prof. D. Eygendaal)
Oct-Dec 2017: European Microsurgery Fellowship, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University, Rome,
Italy (Prof. F. Santanelli di Pompeo)
Jul-Sep 2017: Wrist Arthroscopy Fellowship, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Prince of Wales
Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Dr. P.C. Ho)
2013-2018 : Orthopedic Surgery Residency, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (Prof. C.N. van
Dijk and Prof. G.M.M.J. Kerkhoffs). Employed at the Academic Medical Center,
Amsterdam; Slotervaart Medical Center, Amsterdam; Tergooiziekenhuis Hilversum
and Amphia Hospital Breda, Netherlands
2012-2013 : General Surgery Resident, Red Cross Hospital and Burn Center, Beverwijk,
Netherlands. (Prof. R. Breederveld and Dr. H. Cense)
2010-2011 : PhD Clinical Research Fellowship, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and
Traumatology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Prof. C.N. van
2008-2010 : PhD Clinical Research Fellowship, Department of Orthopedic Surgery. Massachusetts
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston. (Prof. Jesse B, Jupiter and Dr.
David Ring)
2005-2008 : Head of the Bone and Joint Tissue Explantation Team at Netherlands Bone bank
Foundation (NBF) – Bio Implant Services (BIS) Foundation, Leiden (NL)
2003-2005 : Coordinator of Tissue Donations and member of all Tissue Explantation Teams at BIS
Foundation, Leiden, Netherlands
Academic Promotorship:
2022 – : Co-promotor of PhD Thesis by Dr. A. Macken: “Evaluating Modern Shoulder & Elbow
Arthroplasty”, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
2021 – : Co-promotor of PhD Thesis by Dr. L Allaart: “Towards Improved Healing after Rotator Cuff
Repair” VU University Amsterdam Netherlands.
2021- : Co-promotor of PhD Thesis by Dr. S. Van Spanning: “Quantifying Shoulder Instability and
Predicting Treatment Outcome with Machine Learning”, VU University Amsterdam Netherlands.
2017-2020: Co-promotor drs. A.E.J. Bulstra: “Advancing Management of Scaphoid Fractures”,
University of Amsterdam / Flinders University Australia
2014-2019: Co-promotor of PhD Thesis by Dr. T. Drijkoningen: “Secrets in Scaphoid Fractures”,
University of Amsterdam.
2015: Jury Member of PhD Thesis : “Clinical Evaluation of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Treatment for
Acute Scaphoid Fractures” by Dr. P.F.W. Hannemann, Maastricht University.
Book – Editor:
– Buijze GA, Jupiter JB, editors. Scaphoid Fractures: Evidence-Based Management, 1st Edition. St.
Louis: Elsevier (2018), 375p. ISBN: 9780323485647
– Buijze GA, Chammas M, Jupiter JB. Distal Radius Fractures: Evidence-Based Management, 1st
Edition, in progress, estimated publication in 2020.
Editorial Board:
Journal of Wrist Surgery (EWAS official Journal)
Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity
Medical Thesis (PhD, Cum Laude) :
2012 : Thesis : “Scaphoid Fractures : Anatomy, Diagnosis and Treatment”. University of Amsterdam,
Medical Theses (MD) :
2005 : “Tendon Transfer for Massive Rotator Cuff Ruptures.”
Department of Anatomy, Tygerberg Hospital, Stellenbosch Univesity, Cape Town, South Africa:
(Dr. Joe De Beer)
2006 : “Correspondence between objective and subjective outcomes of distal radius fractures”
Orthopaedic Research Center, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Prof C.N. Van Dijk);
Orthopaedic Hand and Upper Extremity Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, USA (Prof. Jesse B, Jupiter and Dr. David Ring)
h-index: 20
Scientific Papers:
Spanning SHV, Lafosse T, Verweij LPE, Rijn SKV, Lafosse L, Buijze GA. Predictive Value of Gagey’s
Hyperabduction Test in Identifying Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament Lesions. Orthop Traumatol Surg
Res. 2022 Dec 2:103500. doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2022.103500. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36470371.
van Spanning SH, Picard K, Buijze GA, Themessl A, Lafosse L, Lafosse T. Arthroscopic Bone Block
Procedure for Posterior Shoulder Instability: Updated Surgical Technique. Arthrosc Tech. 2022 Sep
17;11(10):e1793-e1799. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2022.06.016. PMID: 36311318; PMCID: PMC9596736.
Dankelman LHM, Schilstra S, IJpma FFA, Doornberg JN, Colaris JW, Verhofstad MHJ, Wijffels MME,
Prijs J; Machine Learning Consortium. Artificial intelligence fracture recognition on computed
tomography: review of literature and recommendations. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2022 Oct 26. doi:
10.1007/s00068-022-02128-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36284017.
Drago S, Campodónico J, Sandoval M, Berendsen R, Buijze GA. Voluntary Increase of Minute
Ventilation for Prevention of Acute Mountain Sickness. Int J Sports Med. 2022 Oct;43(11):971-977.
doi: 10.1055/a-1832-0279. Epub 2022 Jun 27. PMID: 35760082.
van Spanning SH, Verweij LPE, Allaart LJH, … Buijze GA on behalf of the Machine Learning
Consortium, et alDevelopment and training of a machine learning algorithm to identify patients at risk
for recurrence following an arthroscopic Bankart repair (CLEARER): protocol for a retrospective,
multicentre, cohort studyBMJ Open 2022;12:e055346. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055346
Dias JJ, Ring D, Grewal R, Clementson M, Buijze GA, Ho PC. Acute scaphoid fractures: making
decisions for treating a troublesome bone. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2022 Jan;47(1):73-79. doi:
10.1177/17531934211053441. Epub 2021 Nov 18.
Bulstra AEJ; Machine Learning Consortium. A Machine Learning Algorithm to Estimate the Probability
of a True Scaphoid Fracture After Wrist Trauma. J Hand Surg Am. 2022 Aug;47(8):709-718. doi:
10.1016/j.jhsa.2022.02.023. Epub 2022 Jun 3. Erratum in: J Hand Surg Am. 2022 Dec;47(12):1222.
PMID: 35667955.
Bulstra AEJ, Hendrickx LAM, Sierevelt IN, Buijze GA, Kerkhoffs GMMJ, Ring D, Jaarsma RL,
Doornberg JN. Prospective Cohort Study to Investigate Factors Associated With Continued
Immobilization of a Nondisplaced Scaphoid Waist Fracture. J Hand Surg Am. 2021 Aug;46(8):685-
Oliveira E Carmo L, van den Merkhof A, Olczak J, Gordon M, Jutte PC, Jaarsma RL, IJpma FFA,
Doornberg JN, Prijs J; Machine Learning Consortium (incl Buijze GA). An increasing number of
convolutional neural networks for fracture recognition and classification in orthopaedics : are these
externally validated and ready for clinical application? Bone Jt Open. 2021 Oct;2(10):879-885.
Bulstra AEJ, Hendrickx LAM, Sierevelt IN, Buijze GA, Kerkhoffs GMMJ, Ring D, Jaarsma RL,
Doornberg JN. Prospective Cohort Study to Investigate Factors Associated With Continued
Immobilization of a Nondisplaced Scaphoid Waist Fracture. J Hand Surg Am. 2021 Aug;46(8):685-
694. PMID: 34052040.
Bulstra AEJ, Crijns TJ, Janssen SJ, Buijze GA, Ring D, Jaarsma RL, Kerkhoffs GMMJ, Obdeijn MC,
Doornberg JN; Science of Variation Group. Factors associated with surgeon recommendation for
additional cast immobilization of a CT-verified nondisplaced scaphoid waist fracture. Arch Orthop
Trauma Surg. 2021 Jul 24. PMID: 34302522.
Piek AR, Peymani A, Dobbe JGG, Buijze GA, Chammas M, Streekstra GJ, Strackee SD. Madelung
Deformity: Radioscapholunate Arthrodesis With a Neo-DRUJ. Hand (N Y). 2021 Jun 6: PMID:
Buijze GA, Bachoura A, Mahmood B, Wolfe SW, Osterman AL, Jupiter JB. Reevaluation of the
Scaphoid Fracture: What is the Current Best Evidence? Instr Course Lect. 2020;69:317-330.
Oosterhoff JHF, Doornberg JN; Machine Learning Consortium (including Buijze GA). Artificial
intelligence in orthopaedics: false hope or not? A narrative review along the line of Gartner’s hype
cycle. EFORT Open Rev. 2020 Oct 26;5(10):593-603.
Buijze GA, De Jong HMY, Kox M, Van Schaardenburg D, Van Vugt RM, Popa C, Pickkers P, Baeten
DLP. An Add-On Training Program involving Breathing Exercises, Cold Exposure, and Meditation
Attenuates Inflammation and Disease Activity in Axial Spondyloarthritis. PLoS One. 2019 Dec
Drijkoningen T, Mohamadi A, Ter Meulen D; Ring D, Luria S, Buijze GA. Scaphoid Fracture Patterns:
Part One. Three-dimensional Computed Tomography Analysis. J Wrist Surg. 2019 Dec;8(6):441-445.
Drijkoningen T, Mohamadi A, Ring D, Schwarz J, Buijze GA. Scaphoid Fracture Patterns: Part Two.
Reproducibility and Demographics of a Simplified Scaphoid Fracture Classification. J Wrist Surg. 2019
Commandeur J, Rhemrev, S, Buijze GA, Beeres F. [Conservative Management of Scaphoid
Fractures]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2019 Mar 21;163.
Buijze GA, Leong NL, Stockmans F, Axelsson P, Moreno R, Sørensen AI, Jupiter JB. Three-
Dimensional versus Two-Dimensional Preoperative Planning of Corrective Osteotomy for Extra-
Articular Distal Radius Malunion: a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am.
2018 Jul 18;100(14):1191-1202.
Beard A, Buijze GA. Cold Showers Lead To Fewer Sick Days. Harvard Business Review 2018 Mar-
Teixeira J, Gamba C, Ophuis J, Buijze GA, Kerkhoffs GMMJ. Arthroscopic reduction of a locked
patellar dislocation: a new less invasive technique. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018 May
Claessen FM, van den Bekerom MP, van Dijk CN, Carel Goslings J, Kerkhoffs GM, Doornberg JN;
Shoulder Elbow Platform (Buijze GA). Tension band wiring for simple olecranon fractures: evaluation
of surgical technique. J Orthop Traumatol. 2017 Feb 28. doi: 10.1007/s10195-017-0450-2. [Epub
ahead of print]
De Boer BNP, Doornberg JN, Mallee WH, Buijze GA. Surgical treatment of non- and minimallydisplaced
acute scaphoid fractures favours over-conservative treatment but only in the short term: an
updated meta-analysis. Journal of ISAKOS 2016; [Epub ahead of print].
Buijze GA, Sierevelt IN, van der Heijden BC, Dijkgraaf MG, Frings-Dresen MH. The Effect of Cold
Showering on Health and Work: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS One. 2016 Sep
– PLOS ONE research Top 1% most downloaded articles published in 2016.
Kinaci AM, Buijze GA, Van Leeuwen DH, Jupiter JB, Marti RK, Kloen P. Corrective Osteotomy for
Intra-articular Distal Humerus Malunion. Arch Bone Jt Surg, 2016 Apr;4(2):165-169.
Ten Berg PW, Drijkoningen T, Strackee S, Buijze GA. Classifications of Acute Scaphoid Fractures: A
Systematic Literature Review. J Wrist Surg. 2016 May;5(2):152-9.
Claessen FM, Kachooei AR, Kolovich GP, Buijze GA, Oh LS, van den Bekerom MP, Doornberg JN.
Portal placement in elbow arthroscopy by novice surgeons: cadaver study. Knee Surg Sports
Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Jun 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Buijze GA, van Vugt RM, Bijlsma H, van Schaardenburg D, Baeten D. Reconditionering van het
immuunsysteem bij reumatische aandoeningen: is het mogelijk? Ned Tijdschr Reuma 2014 Dec;4:6-8.
Buijze GA, Hopman MT. Controlled hyperventilation after training may accelerate altitude
acclimatization. Wilderness Environ Med. 2014 Dec;25(4):484-6.
Valkering KP, van Bergen CJ, Buijze GA, Nagel PH, Tuinebreijer WE, Breederveld RS.
Pain experience and functional outcome of inpatient versus outpatient anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction, an equivalence randomized controlled trial with 12months follow-up. Knee. 2015
Wijffels MM, Keizer J, Buijze GA, Zenke Y, Krijnen P, Schep NW, Schipper IB. Ulnar styloid process
nonunion and outcome in patients with a distal radius fracture: a meta-analysis of comparative clinical
trials. Injury. 2014 Dec;45(12):1889-95.
Buijze GA, Goslings JC, Rhemrev SJ, Weening AA, Van Dijkman B, Doornberg JN, Ring D,
CAST Trial Collaboration. Cast Immobilization with and without Immobilization of the Thumb for
Nondisplaced Scaphoid Waist Fractures: A Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial. J Hand Surg
Am. 2014 Apr;39(4):621-7.
Ochtman AEA, Guitton TG, Buijze GA, Zurakowski D, Mudgal C, Jupiter JB, Ring D.
Trapeziometacarpal Arthrosis: Predictors of a Second Visit and Surgery. Journal of Hand and
Microsurgery, 2013 Jun;5(1):9-13.
Buijze GA, Deij RPM, Goslings JC. Scaphoïdgips: Laat de duim vrij! Een onderzoek naar de
diagnostiek en behandeling van scaphoïdfracturen. In dit Verband. 2012 Dec;22(4):6-8.
Buijze GA, Jørgsholm P, Thomsen NO, Björkman A, Besjakov J, Ring D. The Diagnostic Performance
Characteristics of Radiography for Diagnosis of Displacement and Instability of an Acute Scaphoid
Waist Fracture. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 Nov 7;94(21):1967-74.
Buijze GA, Prommersberger K, Gonzalez-Del Pino J, Fernandez D, Jupiter JB. Corrective Osteotomy
for Combined Intra- and Extra-articular Malunion of the Distal Radius. J Hand Surg Am. 2012
Buijze GA, Jørgsholm P, Thomsen NO, Björkman A, Besjakov J, Ring D. Factors associated with
arthroscopically determined scaphoid fracture displacement and instability. J Hand Surg Am. 2012
Buijze GA, Guitton TG, van Dijk CN, Ring D; The Science of Variation Group. Training Improves
Interobserver Reliability for the Diagnosis of Scaphoid Fracture Displacement. Clin Orthop Relat Res.
2012 Jul;470(7):2029-34.
Duckworth AD, Buijze GA, Aitken SA, Moran M, Gray A, Court-Brown CM, Ring D, McQueen MM.
Predictors of fracture following suspected injury to the scaphoid. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2012
Ootes D, Buijze GA, Ring D. Predictors of Missed Appointments in Prospective Hand Surgery
Research. Hand (N Y). 2012 Jun;7(2):177-80.
Buijze GA, Ochtman L, Ring D. Management of scaphoid nonunion. J Hand Surg Am. 2012
May;37(5):1095-100; (quiz 1101).
Kloen P, Buijze GA, Ring D. Management of forearm nonunions: current concepts. Strategies Trauma
Limb Reconstr. 2012 Apr;7(1):1-11.
van Leeuwen DH, Buijze GA, Ring D. Ulnar to Radial Dorsal Fracture-Dislocations of the Wrist: A
Report of 2 Cases. J Hand Surg Am. 2012 Mar;37(3):500-502.e1.
Buijze GA, Weening AA, Poolman RW, Bhandari M, Ring D. Predictors of the accuracy of quotation of
references in peer-reviewed orthopaedic literature in relation to publications on the scaphoid. J Bone
Joint Surg Br. 2012 Feb;94(2):276-80.
Buijze GA, Wijffels MM, Guitton TG, Grewal R, van Dijk CN, Ring D; The Science of Variation Group.
Interobserver Reliability of Computed Tomography to Diagnose Scaphoid Waist Fracture Union.
Journal of Hand Surgery (American Volume) 2012 Feb;37(2):250-254.
Buijze GA, Lozano-Calderon SA, Strackee SD, Blankevoort L, Jupiter JB. Osseous and Ligamentous
Scaphoid Anatomy: Part I. A Systematic Literature Review Highlighting Controversies. J Hand Surg
Am. 2011 Dec;36(12):1926-35.
Buijze GA, Dvinskikh NA, Strackee SD, Streekstra GJ, Blankevoort L. Osseous and Ligamentous
Scaphoid Anatomy: Part II. Evaluation of Ligament Morphology Using Three-Dimensional Anatomical
Imaging. J Hand Surg Am. 2011 Dec;36(12):1936-43.
Buijze GA, Mallee WH, Beeres FJ, Hanson TE, Johnson WO, Ring D. Diagnostic performance tests
for suspected scaphoid fractures differ with conventional and latent class analysis. Clin Orthop Relat
Res. 2011 Dec;469(12):3400-7.
Buijze GA, Poolman RW. Het belang van systematische reviews en meta-analyses. Onze Lieve
Wetenschap. 2011 Oct;4(2):14-15.
Doornberg JN, Buijze GA, Ham SJ, Ring D, Bhandari M, Poolman RW. Non-operative Treatment for
Acute Scaphoid Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
Journal of Trauma. J Trauma. 2011 Oct;71(4):1073-81.
Souer JS, Buijze G, Ring D. A prospective randomized controlled trial comparing occupational therapy
with independent exercises after volar plate fixation of a fracture of the distal part of the radius. Journal
of Bone and Joint Surgery (American Volume). 2011 Oct 5;93(19):1761-6.
Buijze GA, Mudgal CS. Nondisplaced Fractures of the Proximal Carpal Row-Case Report. Journal of
Hand Surgery (American Volume). 2011 Aug;36(8):1310-2.
Buijze GA, Richardson S, Jupiter JB. Successful Reconstruction for Complex Mal and Nonunions of
the Tibia and Femur. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American Volume). 2011 Mar;93:485-492.
Leong NL, Buijze GA, Fu EC, Stockmans F, Jupiter JB, DiRaM Collaborative. Computer-Assisted
versus Non-Computer-Assisted Preoperative Planning of Corrective Osteotomy for Extra-Articular
Distal Radius Malunions: A Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2010 Dec
Buijze GA, Hanson TE, Johnson WO, Ring D. Latent Class Analysis to Determine the Accuracy of
Diagnostic Tests in Orthopaedics. Orthopaedic Journal at Harvard Medical School. 2010
Buijze GA, Richardson S, Jupiter JB. Reconstructive Surgery for Complications after Lower Limb
Trauma. Orthopaedic Journal at Harvard Medical School. 2010 Oct;12(1):81-87.
Buijze GA, Jupiter, JB. Impact after plate fixation of distal radius fracture of a concomitant unrepaired
ulnar styloid fracture versus no ulnar fracture: Clinical Note. Orthopedic Trauma Directions. 2010
Buijze GA, Doornberg JN, Ham JS, Ring D, Bhandari M, Poolman RW. Surgical Compared with
Conservative Treatment for Acute Nondisplaced or Minimally Displaced Scaphoid Fractures: A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Bone and Joint
Surgery (American Volume). 2010 Jun;92(6):1534-1544.
Kloen P, Wiggers J, Buijze GA. Treatment of Diaphyseal Fracture Nonunion of the Ulna and Radius.
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 2010 Dec;130(12):1439-45
Buijze GA, Blankevoort L, Tuijthof GJ, Sierevelt IN, Kloen P. Biomechanical evaluation of fixation of
comminuted olecranon fractures: one-third tubular versus locking compression plating. Archives of
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 2010 Apr;130(4):459-64.
Buijze GA, Ring D. Clinical impact of united vs. ununited Fractures of the proximal half of the ulnar
styloid following volar plate fixation of the distal radius. Journal of Hand Surgery (American Volume).
2010 Feb;35(2):223-7.
Kloen P, Buijze GA. Treatment of complex olecranon or proximal ulna fractures by dorsal plating.
Operative Orthopädie und Traumatologie. 2009 Dec;21(6):571-85.
Buijze G, Kloen P. Clinical evaluation of locking compression plate fixation for comminuted olecranon
fractures. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American Volume). 2009 Oct;91(10):2416-20.
Buijze GA, Snoep AWH, Brevoord J. Serogroup C Meningococcal Osteomyelitis: A Case Report and
Review of the Literature. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2009 Oct; 28(10):929-930.
Buijze GA, Kok P, Botha-Scheepers SA, Smith SJ, Sleeboom HP. Fungal disease of the Western
hemisphere: a patient with coccidioidomycosis. European Journal of Internal Medicine. 2009
Lindenhovius ALC, Buijze GA, Kloen P, Ring D. Correspondence between self-rated disability and
objective physical impairment after elbow trauma. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American
Volume). 2008 Oct;90(10):2090-7.
Buijze GA, Keereweer S, Jennings GJ, Vorster W, de Beer JF. Musculotendinous transfer as a
treatment option for irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears. Teres major or latissimus dorsi?
Clinical Anatomy. 2007 Nov;20(8):919-23.
Jennings GJ, Keereweer S, Buijze GA, de Beer J, Du Toit D. Transfer of segmentally split pectoralis
major for the treatment of irreparable rupture of the subscapularis tendon. Journal of Shoulder and
Elbow Surgery. 2007 Nov-Dec;16(6):837-42.
Buijze GA, Maas M, Kloen P. Fixation of Complex Olecranon Fractures using the Locking
Compression Plate. Neth J Trauma. 2007 Apr;15(2):50-53.
Book Chapters:
Buijze GA, Bulstra AEJ, Ho PC. Management of complications of Scaphoid Fracture Fixation. In Coert
H, Van der Heijden B: FESSH Instructional Course Book 2021: Management of Complications in
Common Hand and Wrist Procedures. Stuttgart: Thieme Publishers. In press.
Coulet B, Buijze GA, Flurin P. Neurological Complications of Shoulder Arthroplasty. In Zuckerman J:
Shoulder Arthroplasty. New York In press.
Bulstra AEJ, Doornberg JN, Obdeijn M, Buijze GA. Scaphoid Nonunion. In: Bhandari M, editor.
Evidence Based Orthopedics, 2nd Ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. In Press (2019).
Buijze GA, Jupiter JB: The Natural History of Scaphoid Fractures. In: Buijze GA, Jupiter JB, editors.
Scaphoid Fractures: Evidence-Based Management, 1st Edition. St. Louis: Elsevier (2018), 375p
Bulstra AEJ, Doornberg JN, Buijze GA, Bain, GI. Anatomy of the Scaphoid Bone and Ligaments. In:
Buijze GA, Jupiter JB, editors. Scaphoid Fractures: Evidence-Based Management, 1st Edition. St.
Louis: Elsevier (2018), 375p
Drijkoningen T, Ten Berg PW, Strackee SD, Buijze GA. Classification Systems of Scaphoid Fractures
In: Buijze GA, Jupiter JB, editors. Scaphoid Fractures: Evidence-Based Management, 1st Edition. St.
Louis: Elsevier (2018), 375p
Jørgsholm P, Björkman A, Buijze GA, Haugstvedt JR. Scaphoid Fracture Instability. In: Buijze GA,
Jupiter JB, editors. Scaphoid Fractures: Evidence-Based Management, 1st Edition. St. Louis: Elsevier
(2018), 375p
De Boer BNP, Doornberg JN, Mallee WH, Buijze GA. Surgical versus Conservative Treatment for
Nondisplaced Scaphoid Waist Fractures. In: Buijze GA, Jupiter JB, editors. Scaphoid Fractures:
Evidence-Based Management, 1st Edition. St. Louis: Elsevier (2018), 375p
Fernandez DL, Kakar S, Buijze GA. Non-vascularized Bone Grafts. In: Buijze GA, Jupiter JB, editors.
Scaphoid Fractures: Evidence-Based Management, 1st Edition. St. Louis: Elsevier (2018), 375p
Chammas M, Peraut E, Buijze GA, Chammas PE. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins for Scaphoid
Nonunion. In: Buijze GA, Jupiter JB, editors. Scaphoid Fractures: Evidence-Based Management, 1st
Edition. St. Louis: Elsevier (2018), 375pze GA, Jupiter JB, editors. Scaphoid Fractures: Evidence-
Based Management. 1st Ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier (2017).
Buijze GA. Displaced scaphoid waist fractures. In: Garcia-Elias M, Mathoulin CL, editors. Articular
Injury of the Wrist. Stuttgart: Thieme Publishers. 2014:43-45.
Buijze GA, Doornberg JN, Ring D. Perilunate Dislocations. In: Bhandari M, editor. Evidence Based
Orthopedics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 2011:437-442.
Invited Lectures / Faculty:
Buijze GA. Scandinavian Society for Surgery of the Hand Meeting, Malmo Suède 24-27 aout 2022 :
Managing the Scaphoid in post covid times : from Classifications to Complications.
Buijze GA. Philadelphia Hand Meeting : Correction of Radial Malunions: Are 3D Models & Jigs
Necessary? 5-7 March 2022
Buijze GA. Philadelphia Hand Meeting : Unique Cases from Around the World. 5-7 March 2022
Buijze GA. Scaphoid Nonunion. FESSH 2021 Nation Competition Moderator.
Buijze GA. Complications of Scaphoid Fracture Treatment. FESSH 2021 Instructional Course Lecture.
Buijze GA. Optimizing Rotator Cuff Healing. FSSM Shoulder Experts (Arthrex), Lyon, 6 mars 2021.
Buijze GA, Wolfe S, Osterman L, Jupiter JB. AAOS Instructional Course Lecture. Reevaluation of the
Scaphoid Fracture: What is the Current Best Evidence? American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery
(AAOS) Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA, 2019 / 2020. (International AAOS Faculty).
Buijze GA. Conférence sur les fractures du scaphoïde, AP-HM Hôpital la Timone, Marseille, 20 février
Buijze GA. Scaphoid Fractures and Return to Sports. Upper Limb Surgery Video Instructional Course
HEGP, Paris, 17 janvier 2019.
Buijze GA. Mallet Finger et Sports de Ballon. Upper Limb Surgery Video Instructional Course HEGP,
Paris, 17 janvier 2019.
Buijze GA. EWAS Junior Grant Lecture. Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand
(FESSH) Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-16 June 2018.
Buijze GA. Scaphoid Nonunion: Evidence Based Management & State-of-the-Art. Keynote Lecture
Netherlands Orthopaedic Hand and Wrist Group, Utrecht, 25 april 2018.
Jupiter JB, Buijze GA, Wolfe S, Osterman L. AAOS Instructional Course Lecture: Reevaluation of the
Scaphoid Fracture: What is the Current Best Evidence? Amercan Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery
(AAOS) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 6th 2018. (International AAOS Faculty)
Buijze GA. Distal radius fractures and TFCC lesions. Upper Limb Surgery Video Instructional Course,
Paris, France, 25-26 January 2018. (International Faculty)
Buijze GA. Visiting scholar programme: How to achieve academic excellence during orthopaedic
training? Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, 29
August 2017.
Buijze GA. Scaphoid Fractures: Grand Rounds. Hospital del Trabajador, Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, Santiago, Chile, 16 December 2016.
Buijze GA. Correction of extra articular malunions: should we use computer assisted guidance?
Advanced International Wrist Meeting, 5-6 oktober 2015, Lyon, Frankrijk. International Faculty.
Buijze GA. Using Social Media for Medical Science. APROVE Science Night 2015. AMC Graduate
School, 17 april 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Buijze GA. Displacement and instability of scaphoid fractures. Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Handchirurgie, Najaarscongres, 8 november 2014, Sint Michielsgestel, Netherlands.
Buijze GA. Anatomy of the Scaphoid. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Handchirurgie, Najaarscongres, 8
november 2014, Sint Michielsgestel, Netherlands.
Buijze GA. Displaced scaphoid fractures: concepts and controversies British Society for Surgery of the
Hand Autumn Meeting, Royal College of Surgeons, 16-17 oktober 2014, Londen, Engeland.
Buijze GA. Anatomy of the Scaphoid. British Society for Surgery of the Hand Autumn Meeting, Royal
College of Surgeons, 16-17 oktober 2014, Londen, Engeland.
Buijze GA. Displaced scaphoid waist fractures. Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the
Hand 2014 Congress, 18-21 juni 2014, Parijs, France.
Buijze GA. Acute Mountain Sickness under Control on Kilimanjaro. De Iceman en de Wetenschap.
KIJK Live! (Evenement KIJK Magazine). Beurs van Berlage, 19 maart 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Buijze GA. The Fractured scaphoid: Small Bone – Big Deal. Zuid-West Nederland Overleg
Traumatologie, 23 September 2013, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Buijze GA. Factors associated with scaphoid fracture displacement & instability. Advanced
International Wrist Meeting, 16-17 September 2013, Lyon, France. International Faculty.
Buijze GA. Anatomy of the Scaphoid Revisited. Advanced International Wrist Meeting, 16-17
September 2013, Lyon, France. International Faculty.
Buijze GA. Distal Radius Malunion. Colloque Chirurgie Orthopédique Membre Supérieur. Hôpital
Herriot, 24 April 2013, Lyon, France.
Buijze GA. Scaphoïdfracturen: anatomie, diagnostiek en behandeling. Voorjaarsvergadering van de
werkgroep Hand & Pols van de Nederlandse Orthopedie Vereniging (NOV), 28 Maart 2013, Utrecht,
Buijze GA. Scaphoïdfracturen, zijn er nieuwe ontwikkelingen? Refereermiddag Regionale Opleidings
Groep Orthopaedie Zuid, 29 Nov 2012, Venlo, Netherlands.
Buijze GA. Bony and Ligamentous Anatomy of the Scaphoid: New Research. AO Advanced Hand,
Wrist & Elbow Course, Sept. 13-14, 2012, Antwerpen, Belgium. International Faculty.
Oral Presentations
Macken A, Haagmans-Suman A, Van Spekenbrink-Spooren A, Van NoortA, Van Den Bekerom M,
Eygendaal D, Buijze GA. Anterosuperior Versus Deltopectoral Approach For Primary Reverse Total
Shoulder Arthroplasty: Analysis Of 9606 Shoulders From The Dutch National Arthroplasty Registry.
– EFORT Congress, Vienna Austria 24 – 26 May 2023
Bulstra AE, Doornberg J, Hendrick L, Sierevelt I, Buijze GA, Kerkhoffs G, Ring D, Jaarsma R.
Prospective Cohort Study To Investigate Factors Associated With Continued Immobilization Of A
Nondisplaced Scaphoid Waist Fracture
– EFORT Congress, Vienna Austria 10 June – 12 June 2020
Buijze GA, Ho PC. Arthroscopic Bone Grafting for Scaphoid Nonunion (ASSH Video Theater)
– American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2018 Annual Meeting, Boston, USA
Buijze GA, Leong NL, Stockmans F, Axelsson P, Moreno R, Sørensen AI, Jupiter JB. Three-
Dimensional versus Two-Dimensional Preoperative Planning of Corrective Osteotomy for Extra-
Articular Distal Radius Malunion: a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial.
– Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, 2018 Annual Meeting,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Claessen F, Kachooei AR, Kolovich GP, Buijze GA, Oh LS, van den Bekerom MPJ, Doornberg JN.
Portal Placement in Elbow Arthroscopy by Novice Surgeons.
– Netherlands Arthroscopy Society 2016 Annual Meeting, Den Bosch, Netherlands.
Leong NL, Buijze GA, Axelsson PM, Moreno R, Stockmans F, Jupiter JB. Computer Assisted Surgical
Planning for Distal Radius Malunion: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
– American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 2014 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA
Buijze GA, Goslings JC, Rhemrev SJ, Weening AA, Van Dijkman B, Doornberg JN, Ring D,
CAST Trial Collaboration. Cast Immobilization with and without Immobilization of the Thumb for
Nondisplaced Scaphoid Waist Fractures: A Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial.
– European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress 2013,
Istanbul, Turkey
– American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 2013 Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA
– American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2012 Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA
– Orthopaedic Trauma Association 2012, Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
– Traumadagen 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Buijze GA, Jørgsholm P, Thomsen NO, Björkman A, Besjakov J, Ring D. Diagnosis of Displacement
and Instability of an Acute Scaphoid Waist Fracture.
– American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA
Duckworth AD, Buijze GA, Aitken SA, Moran M, Gray A, Court-Brown CM, Ring D, McQueen MM.
Predictors of fracture following suspected injury to the scaphoid.
– Orthopaedic Trauma Association 2011, Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA
Souer JS, Buijze GA, Ring D. A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Occupational
Therapy with Independent Exercises After Volar Plate Fixation of a Fracture of the Distal Radius
– American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2011 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA
– Orthopaedic Trauma Association 2011, Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA
Souer JS, Buijze GA, Ring D. Fysiotherapie versus Zelfstandige Oefeningen na Plaatfixatie van
Distale Radiusfrakturen: Een Prospectief Gerandomiseerde Studie
– Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging Jaarvergadering 2011, Groningen, Netherlands
Buijze GA, Mallee WH, Beeres FJP, Rhemrev SJ, Hanson TE, Johnson WE, Van Dijk CN, Ring D.
Latent Class Analysis to Determine the Accuracy of Diagnostic Tests for Suspected Scaphoid
– 11th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand 2010,
Seoul, South Korea
Buijze GA, Richardson S, Jupiter JB. Long-Term Outcome Following Reconstructive Surgery for
Complex Post-Traumatic Lower Extremity Complications
– AO North America “Challenges in Fracture Care Across Disciplines” meeting 2010, Phoenix, USA
Buijze GA, Van Dijk CN, Ring D. The Effect of Training on Inter-Observer Reliability for the Diagnosis
of Scaphoid Fracture Displacement
– American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2010 Annual Meeting, Residents and Fellows
Conference, Boston, USA
Buijze GA, Prommersberger K, Gonzalez-Del Pino J, Fernandez D, Jupiter JB. Corrective Osteotomy
for Combined Intra- and Extra-articular Malunion of the Distal Radius
– Orthopaedic Trauma Association 2012, Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
– Israel Society for Surgery of the Hand 2010 Annual Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel
– 11th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand 2010,
Seoul, South Korea
– AO North America “Challenges in Fracture Care Across Disciplines” meeting 2010, Phoenix, USA
– American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2010 Annual Meeting, Residents and Fellows
Conference, Boston, USA
– New England Hand Society 2010 Annual Meeting, Sturbridge, USA
– Annual Richard J. Smith Residents/Fellows Conference 2010, Harvard Orthopedics, Boston, USA
– Annual International Wrist Investigators Workshop 2010, Boston, USA
Buijze GA, Ring D. Nonunion of an Ulnar Styloid Base Fracture after Volar Plate Fixation of a Fracture
of the Distal Radius
– American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 2010 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA
– American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2009 Annual Meeting, Residents and Fellows
Conference, San Francisco, USA
Buijze GA, Ring D. Clinical Impact of United vs. Ununinited Fractures of the Proximal Half of the Ulnar
Styloid following Volar Plate Fixation of the Distal Radius
– New England Hand Society 2009 Annual Meeting, Sturbridge, USA
Buijze GA, Doornberg JN, Ham JS, Ring D, Bhandari M, Poolman RW. Surgical versus Conservative
Treatment for Acute Scaphoid Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Comparative
Clinical Trials.
– European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress 2010,
Madrid, Spain
– American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2009 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA
– Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging Najaarsvergadering 2009, Veldhoven
– 20th Annual Richard J. Smith Residents/Fellows Conference 2009, Harvard Orthopedics, Boston,
Lindenhovius ALC, Buijze GA, Kloen P, Ring D. Correspondence between self-rated disability and
objective physical impairment after elbow trauma.
– Nordic Orthopaedic Federation 2008 Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands
– Orthopaedic Trauma Association 2007 Annual Meeting, Boston, USA
International Wrist Arthroscopy Society (IWAS)
French Society for Hand Surgery (SFCM/GEM)
Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologie (SOFCOT)
Collège Français de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique (CFCOT)
2023: Organising Committee Annecy Live Surgery Congress for Advanced Shoulder Surgery
Faculty Advanced Shoulder International Course Annecy (Stryker)
2022: Director 3rd Montpellier Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop (IWAS endorsed)
2019: Director 2nd Montpellier Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop (IWAS endorsed)
2018: Director 1st Montpellier Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop
Initiator and Member of the Board – Ski for Science (Traumaplatform fundraiser event)
planning a ski marathon & AO Trauma Symposium, Davos, Switzerland.
2017: Initiator University of Amsterdam Orthopaedic Skillslab
2016: Principal investigator / expedition medic at Mount Leoneras in Chile (4954m) with 20
study participants, as part of an RCT on the voluntary respiratory response as
prophylaxis for acute mountain sickness.
2013-2014: Medical Expert “Conquer your Challenges”, World Record Expedition on Mount
Kilimanjaro (26 participants, 5895m, 48 hours).
2011: Co-Director of the Netherlands Symposium for Experimental Research in Surgery
2001-2006: Active membership of Leiden Medical Student Association MFLS (2,300 members).
Participation in multiple boards and committees: Medical Career Conference 2003,
Education Advisory Board (student member) 2002, and multiple other committees.