2010/5 – 2013/6 Master’s non-Thesis, MACM – Masters of Academic Medicine, University of Southern
Degree Status: Completed
2010/4 – 2010/4 Diploma, Dip. Sport Medicine – Diploma in Sport Medicine, Canadian Association of Sports
Exercise Medicine (CASEM)
Degree Status: Completed
2008/8 – 2009/5 Diploma, Diploma AANA and AOSSM – Fellow, University of Southern California
Degree Status: Completed
2003/7 – 2008/6 Certificate, FRCS(C) – Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Canada, McMaster University
Degree Status: Completed
1999/7 – 2003/5 Doctorate Equivalent, MD – Medical Doctor, Dalhousie University
Degree Status: Completed
1995/7 – 1999/5 Bachelor’s, BSc with Honours, Acadia University
Degree Status: Completed
2018/7 Board Certification, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons
2010/4 Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine, Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise
Medicine (CASEM)
2009/8 Diploma Arthroscopy Association of North America and American Orthopaedic Society
for Sports Medicine – Fellowship in Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, and Reconstructive
Surgery, Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI)
2008/8 Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (Canada) – FRCS(C), Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
2003/8 Medical Doctor – MD, Canadian Medical Association
2022/6 – 2022/6 Hughson Award
Canadian Orthopaedic Association
2022/5 – 2022/5 J. Édouard Samson Award
Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation (COF)
Dr. Ivan Wong
2022/5 – 2022/5 Stephen S. Burkhart Shoulder Innovation Research Award
Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA)
2021/2 – 2021/2 Best Orthopaedic Book of the Year Award
Bombay Orthopaedic Society
2020/8 Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) Breakthrough Accelerator Award
Dalhousie University
2021/7 Professor – Division of Continuing Professional Development and Medical Education
Division of Continuing Professional Development and Medical Education, Faculty of
Medicine, Dalhousie University
2021/7 Professor – Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
2021/7 Professor
Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
2016/6 Associate Professor – School of Health and Human Performance
Department of Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
2012/7 Assistant Professor – School of Physiotherapy
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health, Dalhousie University
2012/7 Fellowship Co-Director – Joint Preservation, Sports Medicine, and Arthroscopic
Reconstruction Fellowship Program
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
2016/7 – 2021/6 Associate Professor – Division of Medical Education
Division of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
2016/6 – 2021/6 Associate Professor – Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
2012/7 – 2016/3 Assistant Professor – Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
2011/7 – 2012/6 Clinical Department Clerkship Coordinator for Physician Assistant Education Program
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, McMaster University
2011/4 – 2012/6 CTU director for Orthopaedics
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, McMaster University
2010/7 – 2012/6 Founder of MacSPORTS(McMaster Sports medicine Partners in Orthopaedic Research
Teaching and Surgery)
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, McMaster University
2010/1 – 2012/6 Founder of the CLASSroom (Centre for Learning Arthroscopic Surgical Skills room)
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, McMaster University
2009/9 – 2010/6 Assistant Professor – Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, McMaster University Medical Centre
2008/8 – 2009/8 Clinical Fellow
Surgery of Surgery, Southern California Orthopaedic Institute, Southern California
Orthopaedic Institute
2003/7 – 2008/6 Resident
McMaster University, Faculty of Medicine, McMaster University
Dr. Ivan Wong
The primary affiliation is denoted by (*)
(*) 2021/7 Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Dalhousie University
Research Funding History
Awarded [n=11]
2022/1 – 2025/12
Principal Investigator
The Arthroscopic Treatment of Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability (ATRASI): A Pilot
Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial
Funding Sources:
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Total Funding – 414,000
Funding Competitive?: Yes
2023/1 – 2025/12
Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis Compared with Microfracture for Focal
Articular Cartilage Damage of the Hip: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Funding Sources:
Physicians Services Incorporated Foundation (The) (PSI)
Total Funding – 250,000
Funding Competitive?: Yes
2023/1 – 2024/12
Principal Investigator
Latarjet vs Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction for the Treatment of Anterior Shoulder
Instability with Glenoid Bone Loss: A Prospective Multi-centre Randomized Trial
Funding Sources:
American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
ASES Research Award
Total Funding – 20,000
Funding Competitive?: Yes
2022/8 – 2024/7
Post-operative Functional Recovery in Patients with FAI
Funding Sources:
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)
AOSSM Research Award
Total Funding – 99,924
Funding Competitive?: Yes
2023/1 – 2023/12
Principal Investigator
Latarjet vs Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction for the Treatment of Anterior Shoulder
Instability with Glenoid Bone Loss: A Prospective Multi-centre Randomized Trial
Funding Sources:
Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA)
AANA Research Award
Total Funding – 30,000
Funding Competitive?: Yes
2022/1 – 2023/1
Principal Investigator
The Evolution of Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction: Development and
Clinical Outcomes
Funding Sources:
Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation
COA Research Award
Total Funding – 30,000
Dr. Ivan Wong
4 – Funding Competitive?: Yes
2019/11 – 2022/10
Principal Applicant
The Arthroscopic Treatment of Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability (ATRASI): A
Randomized Control Trial
Funding Sources:
Dalhousie University
Dalhousie Department of Surgery Operational Grant
Total Funding – 50,000
Funding Competitive?: Yes
2017/11 – 2021/12
Principal Applicant
The Use of Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate in the Context of Hip Osteoarthritis: A
Randomized Controlled Trial
Funding Sources:
Arthrex Inc (USA)
Arthrex Research Support Grant
Total Funding – 35,132
Funding Competitive?: Yes
2018/7 – 2021/3
Principal Applicant
Bridging Reconstruction of Massive Rotator Cuff Tears by Human Dermal Allograft
Augmentation Compared to Superior Capsular Reconstruction
Funding Sources:
Smith & Nephew
Smith & Nephew Research Support Grant
Total Funding – 157,676
Funding Competitive?: Yes
2019/11 – 2020/12
Principal Applicant
Innovations in Hip Preservation Surgery and Their Role in Preventing Hip Osteoarthritis
Funding Sources:
Capital Health (Nova Scotia)
NSHA Health Innovation Development Fund
Total Funding – 100,000
Funding Competitive?: Yes
2019/4 – 2020/4
Characterizing Altered Hip Pathomechanics in Patients with Femoral Acetabular
Funding Sources:
Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation (NSHRF)
Development/Innovative Grant
Total Funding – 14,996
Funding Competitive?: Yes
Publications Journal Articles
1. Menendez ME, Wong I, Tokish JM, Denard PJ. (2023). Free Bone Block Procedures for Glenoid
Reconstruction in Anterior Shoulder Instability.Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
31(21): 1103-1111.
2. Rayes J, Wong I. (2023). Peroneal nerve palsy after hip arthroscopy with a perineal post: a case report of
postless versus standard traction. Journal of Orthopaedic Reports. 2(1): 1001-1017.
Dr. Ivan Wong
3. Pullen WM, Carreira DM, Wong I, Aoki SK, Lynch TS, Mather RC, Ayeni OR, Byrd JWT, Safran MR.
(2023). The Reliability of the Tönnis Grading System in the Hip Preservation Population. American Journal
of Sports Medicine. 51(2): 476-480.
4. Ferguson D, Wong I. (2023). Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction Hardware Removal.
Arthroscopy Techniques. 12(2): 217-221.
5. Pullen WM, Pierre K, Wong I, Aoki SK, Lynch TS, Mather RC, Ayeni OR, Byrd JW, Safran MR. (2023). MRI
Does Not Improve Inter- or Intra-Rater Reliability For Hip Arthritis Grading Systems. American Journal Of
Sports Medicine. 51(7): 1826-1830.
6. Lohnes J, Urquhart N, Wong I, Stanish W, Rutherford D. (2023). Do individuals with knee osteoarthritis
walk with distinct knee biomechanics and muscle activation characteristics? An investigation of knee
osteoarthritis, hip osteoarthritis, and asymptomatic groups. Gait & Posture. 99: 14-19.
7. Campos-Méndez A, Coady CM, Wong I. (2023). Arthroscopic Anterior Shoulder Capsular Reconstruction
using Human Acellular Dermal Graft in Conjunction with Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction.Arthroscopy
Techniques. 23: 537-544.
8. Joannette-Bourguignon M, Wong I. (2023). Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction in the Unstable
Shoulder: Technique, Pearls, and Pitfalls. Video of Journal of Sports Medicine. 3: epub.
9. Rayes J, Xu J, Sparavalo S, Ma J, Jonah L, Wong I. (2022). Calculating Glenoid Bone Loss Based
on Glenoid Height Using Ipsilateral 3- Dimensional Computed Tomography. Knee Surgery, Sports
Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 31: 169-176.
10. Campos-Ḿendez A, Rayes J, Wong I. (2022). Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction with Distal
Tibial Allograft and Hybrid Fixation.Arthroscopy Techniques.NA: NA.
11. Harper A, Sparavalo S, Ma J, Wong I. (2022). Fixation Type Does Not Affect the Learning Curve and
Short-Term Radiographic Outcomes for Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction with Distal Tibia
Allograft.Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation.NA: NA.
12. Tucker A, Ma J, Sparavalo S, Coady CM, Wong I. (2022). Arthroscopic anatomic glenoid reconstruction has
a lower rate of recurrent instability compared to arthroscopic Bankart repair while otherwise maintaining a
similar complication and safety profile. Journal of ISAKOS. 7: 113-117.
13. The Drivsafe Team. (2022). Distracted Driving Among Patients with Trauma Attending Fracture Clinics
in Canada: The Canadian Multicenter DRIVSAFE Study.The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 104:
14. Hurley ET, Matache BA, Wong I, Itoi E, Strauss EJ, Delaney RA, Neyton L, Athwal GS, Pauzenberger L,
Mullett H, Jazrawi LM. (2021). Anterior Shoulder Instability Part I – Diagnosis, Non-Operative Management,
and Bankart Repair – An International Consensus Statement.Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and
Related Surgery.S0749-8063(21): 00696-4.
Dr. Ivan Wong
15. Abdullah M, Sparavalo S, Ma J, King JP, Wong I. (2021). Interposition Graft Bridging Reconstruction of
Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears using Acellular Dermal Matrix: Medium-Term Results.Arthroscopy: The
Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery.NA: NA.
In Press
16. Hewins B, Wong I. (2021). Treatment of Failed Latarjet with Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid
Reconstruction.Arthroscopy Techniques.10(11): e2463-e2470.
17. Hurley ET, Matache BA, Wong I, Itoi E, Strauss EJ, Delaney RA, Neyton L, Athwal GS, Pauzenberger L,
Mullett H, Jazrawi LM. (2021). Anterior Shoulder Instability Part II – Latarjet, Remplissage, and Glenoid
Bone-Grafting – An International Consensus Statement.Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and
Related Surgery.S0749-8063(21): 00696-4..
18. Kay J, Simunovic N, Heels-Ansdell D, Bhandari M, Ayeni OR, FIRST Investigators. (2021). Lower Body
Mass Index and Age are Predictive of Improved Pain and Health Utility Scores Following Arthroscopic
Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement.Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy.29(5):
19. Wong I, Hiemstra L, Lobo J, Woodmass J, Sommerfeldt M, Khan M, Carsen S, Pauyo T, Chahal J,
Urquhart N, Grant J, Rousseau-Saine A, Lebel ME, Sheehan B, Sandman E, Tucker A, Kopka M, and
Degen RM. (2021). Arthroscopy Association of Canada Position Statement on Intra-articular Injections for
Hip Osteoarthritis. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. NA: NA.
20. Calvo E, Itoi E, Landreau P, Arce G, Yamamoto N, Ma J, Sparavalo S, Wong I. (2021). Anterior and
Posterior Glenoid Bone Augmentation Options for Shoulder Instability: State of the Art.Journal of
ISAKOS.0: 1-10.
21. Hurley ET, Matache BA, Wong I, Itoi E, Strauss EJ, Delaney RA, Neyton L, Athwal GS, Pauzenberger L,
Mullett H, Jazrawi LM. (2021). Anterior Shoulder Instability Part III – Revision Surgery, Rehabilitation and
Return to Play, and Clinical Follow-Up – An International Consensus Statement.Arthroscopy: The Journal
of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery.S0749-8063(21): 00692-7.
22. Moran K, Rotenberg C, AlHussain A, Reda B, Gordey E, Wong I. (2021). Mixed-Methods Analysis
Of A Validated Arthroscopic Knot-Tying Simulator With New Indirect Visualization Condition: Senior
Residents Outperform Juniors, Relying On Haptic Cues.Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 9(7):
23. Ali ZS, Thavorn K, Murphy R, Sparavalo S, Wong I. (2021). Primary Bankart Repair versus Arthroscopic
Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction in Patients with Subcritical Bone Loss: A Cost-Utility Analysis.The
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Open Access.6(4): e21.00067.
24. Oldfield M, Burns J, Wong I. (2021). Arthroscopic Glenoid Bone Augmentation using Iliac Crest Autograft
is Safe and Effective for Anterior Shoulder Instability with Bone Loss.Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and
Rehabilitation.3(6): E1671-E1677.
25. Wong I, Sparavalo S, King JP, Coady CM. (2021). Bridging Allograft Reconstruction is Superior to Maximal
Repair for the Treatment of Chronic, Massive Rotator Cuff Tears – Results of a Prospective, Randomized,
Controlled Trial.The American Journal of Sports Medicine.49(12): 3173-3183..
Dr. Ivan Wong
26. Buckley A, Wong I. (2021). Arthroscopic Bankart Repair with Inferior to Superior Capsular Shift in Lateral
Decubitus Position.Arthroscopy Techniques.10(1): e145-e150.
27. Liwski DR, Liwski RS, Wong I. (2021). Incidence of Donor-Specific HLA Antibody Formation and Outcomes
in Patients Receiving Arthroscopic Treatment for Shoulder Instability with Glenoid Bone Loss using Distal
Tibial Allograft Augmentation.The American Journal of Sports Medicine.49(5): 1175-1182.
28. Masud S, Sheehan B, Rousseau-Saine A, Tucker A, Sandman E, Wong I, Woodmass J, Chalal J, Lobo
J, Grant J, LeBel M-E, Sommerfeldt M, Kopka M, Urquhart N, Carsen S, Pauyo T, Khan M. (2021).
Arthroscopy Association of Canada Position Statement on Exercise for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic
Review of Guidelines.Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine.9(6): 23259671211016900.
29. Power L, Wong I. (2021). Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Repair Using Distal Tibial Allograft and an
Inferior-to-superior Capsular Shift.Arthroscopy Techniques.10(1): e221-e228.
30. Gallagher F, Wong IH. (2020). Anterior Capsule Augmentation and Posterior Glenohumeral Capsular
Reconstruction with Human Dermal Allograft for Multidirectional Shoulder Instability.Arthroscopy
Techniques. 9(5): e657-e662.
31. McNeil D, Provencher M, Wong IH. (2020). A Systematic Review of Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid
Reconstruction Demonstrates Its Safety with Short to Medium-Term Results for Anteroinferior Shoulder
Instability.Journal of ISAKOS. 5: 37-47.
32. Mattewson G, Coady CM, Wong I. (2020). Rotator Cuff Reconstruction Using Fascia Lata Patch Autograft
for the Non-Repairable Rotator Cuff Tear.Arthroscopy Techniques. 9(1): e123-e130..
33. Morash K, Ravipati APT, Wong IH. (2020). Arthroscopic, Nonrigid Fixation of a Displaced Glenoid Fracture
after Anterior Shoulder Dislocation.Arthrosocpy Techniques. 9(2): e233-e237..
34. Wong I, John R, Ma J, Coady CM. (2020). Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction with Distal Tibial
Allograft for Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability: Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes.The American
Journal of Sports Medicine.48(13): 3316-3321.
35. Ravipati APT, Ali MI, Wong I. (2020). Arthroscopic AnatomicGlenoid Reconstruction in the Setting of a
Failed latarjet Using Distal Tibial Allograft.Arthroscopy Techniques.9(1): e177-e184.
36. John R, Wong I. (2019). Revision of a FailedLatissimus Dorsi Transfer for a Massive Rotator Cuff
Tear with ArthroscopicAnatomic Bridging Reconstruction using an Acellular Human Dermal Matrix
Allograft.Arthroscopy Techniques. 8(10): e1170-e1179.
37. John R, Wong I. (2019). Arthroscopic Revisionwith Autologous Iliac Crest Bone Graft for Failed Anatomic
GlenoidReconstruction Using Distal Tibia Allograft.Arthroscopy Techniques.8(11): e1333-e1338.
38. John R, Wong I. (2019). Innovative Approachesin the Management of Shoulder Instability: Current Concept
Review. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine. 12(3): 386-396.
Dr. Ivan Wong
39. Mattewson G, Wong I. (2019). Posterior Glenohumeral Capsular Reconstruction with Modified McLaughlin
for ChronicLocked Posterior Dislocation.Arthroscopy Techniques. 8(12): e1543-e1550.
40. Ravipati APT, Wong I. (2019). Editorial Commentary:Dermal Allograft: A Viable Allograft for Salvage
Procedures in TreatingIrreparable Rotator Cuff Tears. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and
Related Surgery. 35(12): 3203-3204.
41. Woolnough T, Shah A, Sheean AJ, Lesniak BP, Wong I, Darren de SA. (2019). Postage Stamp’Fractures:
A Systematic Review of Patient and Suture Anchor Profiles CausingAnterior Glenoid Rim Fractures After
Bankart Repair. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery. 35(8): 2501-2508.
42. McNeil D, Wong I. (2019). Arthroscopic GlenoidBone Grafting: Preserving the Subscapularis-A
Reproducible Technique.Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. 27(2): 81-88.
43. Whelan A*, Coady C, Wong I. (2018). Anterior Glenohumeral Capsular Reconstruction Using a Human
Acellular Dermal Allograft. Arthroscopy Techniques. 7(11): 1235-1241.
44. Karpyshyn J, Gordey E, Coady C, Wong I. (2018). Posterior Glenohumeral Capsular Reconstruction Using
an Acellular Dermal Allograft. Arthroscopy Techniques. 7(7): 739-745.
45. Wong I, Hiemstra L, Ayeni OR, Getgood A, Beavis C, Volesky M, Outerbridge R, Sheehan B, McCormack
R, Litchfield R, Whelan D, Mohtadi N, Coady C, MacDonald PB. (2018). Position Statement of the
Arthroscopy Association of Canada (AAC) Concerning Arthroscopy of the Knee Joint—September 2017.
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 6(2): Online.
46. Moga I, Konstantinidis G, Wong I. (2018). Safety of a Far Medial Arthroscopic Portal for Anatomic Glenoid
Reconstruction: A Cadaveric Study. Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 6(7): 1-4.
47. Moreside J, Wong I, Rutherford D. (2018). Altered Erector Spinae Activity and Trunk Motion Occurs with
Moderate and Severe Unilateral Hip OA. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 36(7): 1826-1832.
48. Gordey EE, Wong I. (2018). Using Bankart “Plus” Techniques to Tackle Anterior Shoulder Instability with
Bone Loss: Can Newer Arthroscopic Adjuncts Provide Long-Term Stability. Journal of Arthroscopy. 34(8):
49. Gordey E, Wong I. (2018). Editorial Commentary:Using Bankart “Plus” Techniques to Tackle Anterior
Shoulder Instability withBones Loss: Can Newer Arthroscopic Adjuncts Provide Long-Term Stability.
Arthroscopy. 34(8): 2294-2297.
50. Rutherford D, Moreside J, Wong I. (2018). Differences in Hip Joint Biomechanics and Muscle Activation in
People with Femoroacetabular Impingement Compared to Health Asymptomatic Individuals: Is level ground
gait analysis enough?. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 6(5): Online.
51. Wong I, King J, Boyd G, Mitchell M, Coady C. (2018). Radiographic Analysis of Glenoid Morphology After
Arthroscopic Latarjet vs Distal Tibial Allograft in the Treatment of Anterior Shoulder Instability. Orthopaedic
Journal of Sports Medicine. 6(7): Online.
52. Liwski CR, Dillman D, Liwski RS, Wong I. (2018). Donor-Specific HumanLeukocyte Antigen Antibody
Formation After Distal Tibia Allograft andSubsequent Graft Resorption. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine.
Epub ahead of print: Epub ahead of print.
Dr. Ivan Wong
53. Whelan A, Coady C, Wong I. (2018). Anterior GlenohumeralCapsular Reconstruction Using a Human
Acellular Dermal Allograft.Arthroscopy Techniques. 7(11): 1235-1241.
Published, Open Access?: Yes
54. Glazebrook H, Miller B, Wong I. (2018). Anterior ShoulderInstability: A Systematic Review of the Quality
and Quantity of the CurrentLiterature for Surgical Treatment. Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine.6(11):
55. McNeil D*, Coady C, Wong I. (2018). Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction in Lateral Decubitus
Position Using Allograft withNonrigid Fixation. Arthroscopy Techniques. 7(11): 1115-1121.
Published Book Chapters
1. Wong, I., Castillo de la Peña, J. (2023). Microfracture for Cartilage Lesions on the Glenoid and Humerus.
Augustus D. Mazzocca, Emilio Calvo, Giovanni Di Giacomo. Shoulder Arthritis across the Life Span.
Published, Springer Link, Canada
2. Castillo J, Wong I. (2023). Arthroscopic bone graft and Latarjet for anterior shoulder instability. .Practical
surgical technique in shoulder instability.
Submitted, Springer, Canada
3. Rayes J, Wong I. (2021). Arthroscopic Distal Tibial Allograft Reconstruction for Anterior Shoulder
Instability.Freddie Fu, Bryson P Lesniak. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics – Shoulder Instability: Part
Published, Elsevier, United States of America
4. Sparavalo S, Wong I. (2020). Chapter 6: Attritional Glenoid Bone Loss in the Shoulder – Operative
Considerations.W. Dilworth Cannon, Jr., MD and Gregory C. Fanelli, MD. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy
Reiew (SMAR) Book: Shoulder Instability.
Accepted, Wolters Kluwer, United States of America
5. Alkhatib N, Coady CM, Wong I. (2020). Chapter 5: Clinical Tests for Evaluation of Motor Function of the
Shoulder.UNK. International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
(ISAKOS) Book: The Art of the Musculoskeletal Physical Exam.
Accepted, Springer, United States of America
Conference Publications
1. Andres Campos-Mendez, Sara Sparavalo, Jie Ma, Ivan Wong. Do Concomitant Chondral Procedures
Impact Patient Outcomes Following Arthroscopic Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement in Patients
with Cartilage Lesions?. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Canada
Conference Date: 2022/6
Refereed?: No, Invited?: No
2. Zakariya Ali, Sara Sparavalo, Jie Ma, John-Paul King, Ivan Wong. Partial Graft Tears Perform as well as
Patients with Healed Grafts Following Bridging Reconstruction. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual
Meeting, Quebec City, Canada
Conference Date: 2022/6
Refereed?: No, Invited?: No
Dr. Ivan Wong
3. Maude Joannette-Bourguignon, Johnny Rayes, Sara Sparavalo, Jie Ma, Lauren Jonah, Malik Ali, Ivan
Wong. 3D Models Used During Intraoperative Planning Improve Cam Resection in the Arthroscopic
Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Quebec
City, Canada
Conference Date: 2022/6
Refereed?: No, Invited?: No
4. Ivan Wong, Sara Sparavalo, Jie Ma, Sarah Remedios. Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction Has
Excellent Outcomes At Medium-Term Follow-Up For Treating Anterior Shoulder Instability With Bone Loss.
Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Canada
Conference Date: 2022/6
Refereed?: No, Invited?: No
5. Sara Sparavalo, Jie Ma, Dan Muller, Ivan Wong. Outcomes of Labral Reconstruction are as Good as
Labral Repair in Treating Labral Tears Caused by FAI: A Matched Cohort Study. Canadian Orthopaedic
Association Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Canada
Conference Date: 2022/6
Refereed?: No, Invited?: No
6. Jose Castillo-de-la-Peña, Sara Sparavalo, Jie Ma, Sarah Remedios, Ivan Wong. Arthroscopic Anatomic
Glenoid Reconstruction Preserves Subscapularis Muscle Volume After Placement Of The Glenoid Bone
Graft Through The Halifax Portal – A Radiographic Analysis. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual
Meeting, Quebec City, Canada
Conference Date: 2022/6
Refereed?: No, Invited?: No
7. Ivan Wong, Sara Sparavalo, Jie Ma, Sarah Remedios. Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction has
Excellent Outcomes at Medium-Term Follow Up for Treating Anterior Shoulder Instability with Bone Loss.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States of America
Conference Date: 2022/3
Refereed?: No, Invited?: No
1. (2023). No Trauma and Pain with MRI Positive for Posterior Labral Tear. What to Do and How to
Treat.International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS)
Annual Meeting, United States of America
Main Audience: Knowledge User
Invited?: Yes, Keynote?: No
2. Ivan Wong, Kazuha Kizaki. (2023). Bridging Reconstruction For Large-To-Massive Rotator Cuff Tears Has
A Low Rate Of Cuff Arthropathy Progression At A Minimum Five-Year Follow-Up. International Society of
Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) Annual Meeting, United States of
Main Audience: Knowledge User
Invited?: Yes, Keynote?: No
3. (2023). One Step Forward: Bridging Interposition using Dermal Allograft. International Society of
Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) Annual Meeting, United States of
Main Audience: Knowledge User
Invited?: Yes, Keynote?: No
Dr. Ivan Wong
4. (2023). Revolutionizing Glenoid Reconstruction: An Arthroscopic Approach with Distal Tibia Allograft – The
Evolution of Technique and Lessons Learned over Time. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
(AAOS), United States of America
Main Audience: Knowledge User
Invited?: Yes, Keynote?: No
5. (2023). How 3D Modeling and Augmented Reality can Improve Hip Arthroscopy. Steadman Philippon
Research Institute (SPRI) Grand Rounds, United States of America
Main Audience: Knowledge User
Invited?: Yes, Keynote?: No
Student/Postdoctoral Supervision
Post-doctorate [n=10]
Dr. Makena Mbogori, Dalhousie University: Sports Medicine Fellowship
Thesis/Project Title: Virtual Preceptorship in Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgery Fellow
Dr. Emily Chan, Dalhousie University: Sports Medicine Fellowship
Thesis/Project Title: Live Surgery Broadcast Risk Factors
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgery Fellow
Dr. Jillian Karpyshyn, University of Alberta: Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program
Thesis/Project Title: Bridging reconstruction has better radiographic outcomes compared
to superior capsular reconstruction: results of a prospective, randomized controlled trial
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgery Fellow
Dr. Johnny Rayes, Dalhousie University: Sports Medicine Fellowship
Thesis/Project Title: Calculating Glenoid Bone Loss based on Glenoid Height using
Ipsilateral 3D Computed Tomography
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr. Andres Campos-Mendez, Dalhousie University: Sports Medicine Fellowship
Thesis/Project Title: Do Chondral Procedures Impact Outcomes After FAI Treatment in
Patients with Cartilage Lesions?
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgeon
2019/7 – 2020/6
Dr. Jian Xu, Dalhousie University: Sports Medicine Fellowship
Thesis/Project Title: Arthroscopic Treatment for Shoulder Instability with Posterior Glenoid
Bone Loss Using Allograft
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgeon
2019/7 – 2020/6
Dr. Nedal Alkhatib, Dalhousie University: Sports Medicine Fellowship
Thesis/Project Title: Complications of Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Compared to
Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction for Recurrent Shoulder Instability: A
Retrospective Cohort Study
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgeon
2019/1 – 2023/12
Dr. Moayd Awad, Dalhousie Medical School: Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program
Thesis/Project Title: Massive rotator cuff tear reconstruction using Acellular Dermal Matrix:
Mid-term results
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgery Resident
Dr. Ivan Wong
2018/7 – 2019/6
Dr. Anjaneyulu Purnachandra Tejaswi Ravipati, Dalhousie University: Sports Medicine
Thesis/Project Title: Mid-term Clinical Outcome of Bridging Graft Reconstruction.
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr. Devin Ferguson, Dalhousie Medical School: Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program
Thesis/Project Title: Graft Utilization in the Repair of Large-to-Massive Rotator Cuff Tears:
A Systematic Review
Present Position: Orthopaedic Surgeon