Born in 1965, Dr. Leuzinger is a senior shoulder physician at the etzelclinic. He studied medicine at the University of Zurich, and passed his examinations there in 1991. He then proceeded on the traditional medical career path, holding positions as assistant and senior physician, before becoming senior physician and the chief deputy physician at the Ruti District Hospital in 1999. In 2000, he and Dr. Borsky founded the etzelclinic. He is now one of the most distinguished shoulder surgeons and, in addition to his work at the etzelclinic, is an active educator, teaching, giving guest lectures, and performing live surgeries and international shoulder surgery research.
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Traumatologie und Versicherungsmedizin
- Europäische Gesellschaft für Knie, Sport und arthroskopische Chirurgie
- Surgery Institute, Annecy (Dr. Lafosse)
- Deutschsprachige Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arthroskopie, Instruktor und Mitglied der Kommission Kommunikation
- Französische Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie
- Europäische Gesellschaft für Schulter- und Ellbogen-Chirurgie
1985 – 1991 Medical studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland
1991 State Examination of Medicine
1992 Inaugural Dissertation / Thesis: “Psychosocial data from corrective surgery of patients with facial paralysis”
1992 Assistant Anaesthetist, Liebfrauenhof Clinic, Zug, Switzerland, Dr. O. Ingold, MD
1992 – 1995 Assistant Surgeon, Männedorf District Hospital, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. A. Hollinger, MD and Dr. A. Vollenweider, MD
1995 – 1997 Assistant Surgeon, Cantonal Hospital of Glarus, Switzerland, Dr. H. Blessing, MD
1997 – 1999 Senior Physician, Surgery, Rüti District Hospital, Switzerland, Dr. P. Bleuler, MD
1999 – 2000 Chief Physician and Deputy Head of Rüti-Wald Hospital, Switzerland
Since 2000 Chief Physician, Shoulder Surgery Unit, etzelclinic AG, Canton of Schwyz (SZ), Switzerland
Since 2000 Member of the Board of Directors of etzelclinic AG
Since 2006 Chairman of the Board of Directors of Innovative Sensor Technology (IST) AG, Switzerland
Since 2010 Chairman of the Board of Directors of SOA AG
FMH, Swiss Medical Association
SGTV, Swiss Society of Traumatology and Insurance Medicine
ESSKA, European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee and Arthroscopic Surgery
ASI, Alps Surgery Institute, Annecy (Dr. L. Lafosse, MD)
AGA, German-speaking Arthroscopy Study Group, Instructor and Member of the Communications Committee
SFA, French Society of Arthroscopy
SECEC, Ordinary Member, European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow
06-08.05. X. International Innsbruck Anatomy Course
07-08.03. Xiros Academy Upper Limb Course
26.10. Webinar Xiros
Shoulder course Hirslanden
Virtual shoulder symposium Schulthess Clinic, Zurich
26.02. Innsbruck, Congress
Rotator Cuff Disorders, Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich
International Symposium, Lugano
VIII International Anatomy Course on Surgery of the Shoulder, Innsbruck
Romanian Society of Arthroscopy&Sports Trauma
Shoulder conference, Bern
AGA Congress, Linz
6th Tübingen Arthroscopy Symposium
AGA Study Training Virtamed
Annecy 22-24.6 Congress
Austrian Shoulder Symposium, Vienna
SECAC Congress, Berlin
Congress, Innsbruck
Congress, Geneva
AGA, Berlin
Schulthess Clinic Academy, Zurich
AGA, Basel
Advanced Course on Shoulder Arthroscopy, Val d’Isère
Anatomy Course on Surgery of the Shoulder, Innsbruck
2nd partial Course on Shoulder Surgery, Belgium
06.03.2015 Vienna, Congress??
21.03.2015 Annecy, Congress??
BESS Pitch Patch, England
Annecy live Surgery
AGA Academy Course, Berlin
Shoulder conference, Bern
SECEC, Milan
Congress, Poland
SFA, Grenoble
X. Orthopedic Symposium, Bielsko-Biala:
AGA Congress Innsbruck:
Italian International Shoulder Course, Florence:
Arthroscopy Symposium, Tübingen:
Shoulder Solutions Symposium, Hamburg:
AGA Academy Course Berlin:
IICCSS Innsbruck: Instructor
HSC Heidelberg: 1 Lecture
ESSKA Amsterdam: 2 Lectures
Chairman and Lecture, AGA Congress Wiesbaden
2 Lectures, Shoulder Congress Val d‘Isère
Instructor, Shouldersurgery course Innsbruck
Lecture, International ESSKA Meeting Ljubliana
Live surgery, 5. Live Surgery Kurs Annecy
Live surgery and 2 lectures, Austrian Shouldersymposium Vienna
Chairman, Shouldermeeting Bern
Chairman and Workshop, AGA Congress Zurich
Lecture, Oberösterreicher Shouldermeeting
Lecture and Workshop, SECEC Dubvronik
2 Lectures, Sigacot Neapel
Instructure and lecture, International Innsbrucker Shouldersurgery course
Live surgery and lecture, Surgical Week Vienna
Live surgery and 2 lectures, ALPS Shoulder course Annecy
Lecture, Tornier shoulder course Barcelona
Lecture, SECEC Lyon
3 Lectures, SIA Milano
2 Lectures and workshops, Arthoscopy Forum Vienna
Live surgery and 2 lectures, Shoulder course Annecy for Tornier
Live surgery and lecture, Course for Arthroscopy Slovenia
Live surgery and lecture 27. AGA Congress Vienna
Live surgery shoulder arthroscopy course, Annecy
Live surgery in Shoulder Arthroscopy course Hanover
Lecture NISC Napoli
Chairman, Shouldermeeting Ber
Live surgery and lecture MIS Annecy
Live surgery with arthoscopic augmentation of Cuff Tears, Vienna
Live surgery and Presentation Czech Shoulder meeting, Budweis
Presentation about arthroscopie Latarjet, Swiss Shoulder meeting, Schulthess Clinic Zurich
Live surgery in Annecy, Live Surgery International, advanced course for
Arthrocuffery Enforcement with Graft Jacket
Live surgery and Faculty in Shoulder Arthroscopy course, Annecy
Faculty and Live operation Shoulder Arthroscopy courses, Vienna
Presentation about Arthroskopic Treatment of Massiv Rotator Cuff Tears after
older dislocation in patients, AGA Congress Interlaken
Presentation of our studies with 94 patients treated for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears
arthroscopicly, AGA Congress Interlaken
Faculty and Live surgery, Annecy
Moderation live surgery in Shoulder Arthroscopy courses Vienna.
Live Surgery International, Shoulder Advanced course: faculty, Annecy
Faculty of the international Shoulder course Munich
Presentation about Arthroscopic Therapy of massive Rotator Cuff Tears, AGA Salzburg
Presentation and Moderation, Journée de l‘appareil locomotion, Annecy
Arthroscopy courses, Annecy
Presentation about Restore Shoulder Symposium Basel
Presentation about Restore Shoulder Symposium Bern
Poster „First Experience with Restore in Cuff“, Augmentation, SECEC Athens
Presentation about experiences in Delta flap reconstruction, SECEC Rome
Presentation about LBT Switch, AGA Frankfurt
Presentation about Arthroscopic Augmentation for Rotator Cuff Tears and Restore, SFA Paris
Moderation, 21th AGA Kongress Lucern
Live surgery, Moderation and Workshop, MIS, Annecy
Live surgery and Presentation, 1th european Shoulder Arthroscopy courses by Arthrex
Presentation about Arthroscopy courses, Annecy
1th Price, Poster competition „LBT- Switch in massive Subscapularis- Tears“, SFA Bordeaux
Arthroscopy courses Annecy, 3 times
Live surgery Shoulder courses Faculty in Shoulder
Instructor in Shoulder Arthroscopy courses, Annecy
Moderation live surgery Shoulder Symposium, Lucerne
Instructor in courses for Shoulder Arthroscopy, Annecy and in Fribourg
Instructor of courses in Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopy, Vienna
Instructor in different courses for Shoulder Arthroscopy, Annecy
• Leading Opinion: „Arthroskopische Versorgung von RM- Massenrupturen“, 2/2007
„Geschicklichkeit ist die Wurzel des Erfolgs“, 2/2010
„Arthroskopischer Latarjet“, 4/2010
• smith & nephew: „Tenodese oder Tenotomie?“, 2/2010
• Johnson & Johnson Mitek, Future dimensions: „The Birstow- Latarjet Instrumentarium“, 2/2010
• Schweizer Illustrierte: „Wenn der Kopf zur Pfanne wird“, 7/2010
• Sprechstunde doktor stutz: „Ein grosser Schritt nach vorn“, 8/2010