Paris shoulder unit in « Institut de la Main » Clinique Bizet Paris France
Born in Paris, doctor Philippe Valenti did a fellowship in Paris university and was interested to the surgery of the upper limb under the influence of the professors Alain Gilbert and AC Masquelet. As microsurgeon, he developed his experience on hand reconstruction, nerve surgery, brachial plexus surgery and free flap transfer. He worked between 1987 -1989 with Dr Didier Patte before to travel to United states to visit Dr Rick Matsen and Dr Charles Rockwood.
In 1995, Dr Valenti was admitted in the ”Institut de la Main” where he focused is activity on shoulder reconstruction( arthroplasty, arthroscopy, nerves reconstruction and tendon transfer). In 2003, Doctor Valenti is one of the designers of the first complete convertible shoulder prosthesis (Arrow shoulder arthroplasty). In 2004, Doctor Valenti was president of the French microsurgery society(GAM) and since 2008 he is the general secretary of this French microsurgery society. In 2012, He organized in Paris the congress of the European Federation Microsurgery Society (EFMS).
Doctor Philippe Valenti is a member of the French Orthopaedic Society (SOFCOT), French Society of Arthroscopy (SFA), European Shoulder and Elbow Society (SECEC), American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) and American Society of Elbow and Shoulder (ASES). He is also a correspondent International Member of many Orthopaedic Societies (Chili, Columbia, Argentina, Brazil). In 2013, Dr Valenti organized with Ph Hardy the first Paris international shoulder course (PISC). We done the fourth edition in 2019 with more than 700 attendees and specialists of shoulder surgery. Between the PISC we organized at the same date in February the Paris shoulder symposium (PSS). These two events are brought together under the entity Paris Shoulder Events.
We did in 2018 a web platform on shoulder education for young and specialist of shoulder surgery. All the professional in this area can register free to follow live surgery with experts of the world or in replay: www.shoulder3t.com
In 2019 Dr Valenti was the president of the French Academy of orthopaedic and traumatology (AOT) and past president of the French 0rthopaedic Society of the Shoulder and Elbow (SOFEC).
He has over 120 publications on PubMed and has written 6 books including « Tendon transfer for irreparable cuff tear » (Springer).
He is also a founder and member of the French Humanitarian Association « Chaine de l’espoir » and Vice president of Chaine de l’Espoir.
1982: Appointed Intern of the Paris Hospitals
1987: Appointed Clinical Chief and Assistant to Paris Hospitals
1987-1989: Avicennes Hospital BOBIGNY PARIS XIII
1989-1991: Trousseau Hospital PARIS VI
1991-2000: Chief of the Hand Department in private clinic (” SOS Main Est Parisien “)
Since 1995: Member of the Institut de la main PARIS
1987: Doctoral Thesis in Medecine
1987: Board certified General Surgery
Masters degree in microsurgical Techniques PARIS VI
1991: Board certified Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Surgery
Lecturer of Anatomy St Antoine Medical School PARIS VI
Lecturer for Hand and Upper Limb Surgery Degree PARIS VI
Lecturer for Microsurgery Degree at the School of Surgery
Paris Hospitals
Lecturer in Flap techniques (Pr GILBERT Pr MASQUELET)
School of Surgery Paris Hospitals
Lecturer for Microsurgery Degree
BEYROUTH St Joseph University LEBANON
Lecturer for Shoulder Surgery PARIS VI
Member of the French School of Hand and Upper limb Surgery Instructors
President of European federation microsurgery society EFMS(2012 in Paris)
General secretary o f GAM (French microsurgery society)
Member of French Society of Orthopaedic Surgery(SOFCOT)
Member of French Society of Hand surgery (GEM)
Member of French Society of Traumatology
Member of French Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Member of French Society of Microsurgery ( Président 2004)
Member of American Association of orthopaedic surgeons (AAOS)
Member of European shoulder and elbow society (SECEC)
Member of orthopaedic Society of Columbia
Member of Columbia Society of Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Member of Brazilia Society of Microsurgery
Member of Brasilia Society of hand surgery
Founder Member of the French humanitary association ” Chaine de l’espoir “
Vice president de la Chaine de l’espoir
Member of Editorial Board of “Chirurgie de la Main”
Member of Editorial Board of “European Journal of Orthopaedic
Surgery and Traumatology”
Reviewer : JSES
Revue de chirurgie de la main
Shoulder surgery
Arthroscopy, prosthesis, sports
Orthopedic pediatric upper limb surgery
Orthopedic pediatric upper limb surgery
Hand , congenital anomalies, microsurgery
Brachial plexus surgery
Reconstructive microsurgery
30 articles registered on Medline
BOOK: springer edition ; GECO Collection 2010, Tendon transfer in irreparable cuff tear
(original article with lecture comitee)
- Surgical Technique: The Anterosuperior Approach for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty. Molé D, Wein F, Dézaly C, Valenti P, Sirveaux F.Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2011 Mar 30.
- Do Less Medialized Reverse Shoulder Prostheses Increase Motion and Reduce Notching?] Valenti P, Sauzières P, Katz D, Kalouche I, Kilinc AS.Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2011 Mar 15]
- Free vascularized bone transfer en bout de chaîne].Valenti P.Chir Main. 2010 Dec;29 Suppl 1:S184-92. Epub 2010 Oct 15.
- Central ray deficiency of the hand].Valenti P.Chir Main. 2010 Jun;29(3):147-54. Epub 2010 Apr 21.
- Results of latissimus dorsi tendon transfer in primary or salvage reconstruction of irreparable rotator cuff tears.Valenti P, Kalouche I, Diaz LC, Kaouar A, Kilinc A.Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2010 Apr;96(2):133-8
- Rupture of flexor tendon following volar plate of distal radius fracture. Report of five cases.Valbuena SE, Cogswell LK, Baraziol R, Valenti P.Chir Main. 2010 Apr;29(2):109-13. Epub 2010 Feb 6
- Reverse shoulder arthroplasty: does reduced medialisation improve radiological and clinical results?Kalouche I, Sevivas N, Wahegaonker A, Sauzieres P, Katz D, Valenti P.Acta Orthop Belg. 2009 Apr;75(2):158-66.
- Results of primary repair of injuries to the median and ulnar http://francepharm.net/levitra.html nerves at the wrist].Kilinc A, Ben Slama S, Dubert T, Dinh A, Osman N, Valenti P.Chir Main. 2009 Apr;28(2):87-92. Epub 2009 Feb 7.
- Cleft hand: a review of 33 cases and new ideas about classification].Valenti P, Lozano Gonzales E, Vergara Amador E, Cogswell LK.Chir Main. 2008 Dec;27 Suppl 1:S121-8. Epub 2008 Aug 20
- The reverse shoulder prosthesis–surgical technique.Valenti P, Sauziéres P, Cogswell L, O’Toole G, Katz D.Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2008 Mar;12(1):46-55
- Arthroscopic subacromial decompression].Valenti P.Chir Main. 2006 Nov;25 Suppl 1:S22-8.
- MR imaging of the metacarpophalangeal joints of the fingers: evaluation of 38 patients with chronic joint disability.Theumann NH, Pessis E, Lecompte M, Le Viet D, Valenti P, Chevrot A, Bittoun J, Schnyder P, Resnick D, Drapé JL.Skeletal Radiol. 2005 Apr;34(4):210-6. Epub 2005 Feb 24
- Secondary microsurgical reconstruction of nail problems in musicians.Valenti P.Hand Clin. 2003 May;19(2):273-8.
- The posterior interosseous reverse flap: experience with 113 flaps.Brunelli F, Valenti P, Dumontier C, Panciera P, Gilbert A.Ann Plast Surg. 2001 Jul;47(1):25-30.
- Buruli ulcer in Togo: 21 cases].Songné B, Abété B, Scotté M, Tignokpa N, Valenti P, Tchangaï-Walla KL.Presse Med. 2001 Mar 24;30(11):533
- Two-stage flexor tendon grafting in children.Valenti P, Gilbert A.Hand Clin. 2000 Nov;16(4):573-8, viii.
- Neurocutaneous flap of the anteromedial aspect of the thigh with a distal pedicle. Anatomical study and clinical application].Malikov S, Valenti P, Masquelet AC.Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 1999 Oct;44(5):531-40.
- Arterial anatomy and clinical application of the dorsoulnar flap of the thumb.Brunelli F, Vigasio A, Valenti P, Brunelli GR.J Hand Surg Am. 1999 Jul;24(4):803-11.
- [Humanitarian surgery of the hand. Our experience in Vietnam].Voche P, Valenti P.Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 1999 Feb;44(1):64-71
- Free sensory or retrograde pedicled fasciocutaneous thenar flap: anatomic study and clinical application].Pilz SM, Valenti PP, Harguindeguy ED.Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 1997 Sep;29(5):243-6.
- Very distal finger amputations: replantation or “reposition-flap” repair?Dubert T, Houimli S, Valenti P, Dinh A.J Hand Surg Br. 1997 Jun;22(3):353-8.
- Technical refinement of the lateral supramalleolar flap.Valenti P, Masquelet AC, Romana C, Nordin JY.Br J Plast Surg. 1991 Aug-Sep;44(6):459-62.
- Surgical repair of the axillary nerve. Apropos of 37 cases].Alnot JY, Valenti P.Int Orthop. 1991;15(1):7-11.
- Osteoid osteoma of the lunate. Apropos of a case. Value of x-ray computed tomography].Savornin C, Valenti P, Daunois O, Bernard J, Casanova G.Ann Radiol (Paris). 1991;34(3):210-3.
- Osteochondritis dissecans of the trochlea of the humerus.Vanthournout I, Rudelli A, Valenti P, Montagne JPPediatr Radiol. 1991;21(8):600-1.
- Free-flap coverage technique with double vascular bypass in the lower limb]Masquelet AC, Valenti P, Destable MD, Moreau C, Lamour A, Dubert T.Chirurgie. 1991;117(2):181-5.
- Anatomic basis of a dorso-commissural flap from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th intermetacarpal spaces.Valenti P, Masquelet AC, Bégué T.Surg Radiol Anat. 1990;12(4):235-9. Osteoid osteoma of the semilunar bone. Apropos of a case. The value of x-ray computed tomography].Savornin C, Valenti P, Daunois O, Bernard J, Casanova G.Ann Chir Main. 1989;8(2):146-9.
- Osteoid osteoma of the coronoid process of the elbow: surgical excision by a posteromedial approach.Masquelet AC, Valenti P, Nordin JY.J Hand Surg Am. 1986 Sep;11(5):733-5.